Annual RC21 Conference 2011

The struggle to belong. Dealing with diversity in 21st century urban settings
Amsterdam (The Netherlands), July 7-9 2011

Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research – Urban Studies
University of Amsterdam – The Netherlands

1. Neighbourhoods and individuals: advanced methodologies

The aim of this workshop is to explore new methodologies that may help to understand how individual attitudes and behaviour, and neighbourhood development are related. Until now, multilevel regression models based on cross sectional data have been incapable of providing satisfactory answers with respect to the interrelated character of the relationship between the individual and the neighbourhood. Does the neighbourhood have an effect on the individual? Or does the individual have an effect on the neighbourhood? Neighbourhood characteristics like ethnic and socio-economic composition are interrelated to individual- and household’s education, income, happiness, social networks, health, belonging, civic participation, or desire to move. The use of existing and new methodologies may be helpful in understanding the complexities in this mutual relationship. Longitudinal designs, structural equation models, experimental designs, dynamic data sources like Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) may increase our understanding of what is actually happening. The session welcomes papers that explore causes and consequences at the individual or household level, the neighbourhood level, or both.

Session organiser:
Dr. Karien Dekker, Utrecht University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept. of Sociology, Heidelberglaan 2, PO Box 80.140, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands, T: +31 30 253 1948(or 2101), F: +31 30 253 4405, E:

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21 December 2011
Deadline for abstract submission

10 January 2011
Notification of selected abstracts

1 March 2011
Registration open

15 May 2011
Deadline for early bird registration and for (some) hotel options

15 May 2011
Deadline for paper submission

15 June 2011
Papers online

7-9 July 2011