Annual RC21 Conference 2011

The struggle to belong. Dealing with diversity in 21st century urban settings
Amsterdam (The Netherlands), July 7-9 2011

Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research – Urban Studies
University of Amsterdam – The Netherlands

4. The end of urban neoliberalism (as we knew it)?

Organizer: Ugo Rossi, Stijn Oosterlynck, Sara Gonzalez, Ramon Ribera Fumaz                       

4.1 The end of urban neoliberalism (as we knew it)?

Chair: Ugo Rossi.           
Manuel B. Aalbers (University of Amsterdam)           
Cities and Countries in the Atlantic Heartland: Still Managed by the Markets?

Sebastian Schipper (Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main)
„Not the market has failed, but the state” – The hegemony of urban neoliberalism in the case of Frankfurt am Main during the crisis 2008-2010

Nikos Souliotis & George Kandylis (Greek National Center for Social Research )
The neoliberalization dynamics of urban policies in Athens before and after the IMF-EU-ECB stabilization program

Stijn Oosterlynck (a), Sara Gonzalez (b) (a: University of Antwerp, b: Leeds University)
‘Don’t waste a crisis’: opening up the city yet again for neoliberal experimentation

RT4.1 The end of urban neoliberalism (as we knew it)?

Chair: Ugo Rossi.
Nabil Kamel & David Pijawka (Arizona State University)
The Nature of Post-Disaster Recovery and Neoliberal Politics of Assistance following Hurricane Katrina

Alberto Violante (a), Sandra Annunziata (b) (a: University “La Sapienza”, b: University of Roma Tre)
Rome-Model: rising and fall of an hybrid neo-liberal paradigm in Southern Europe

Ray Forrest (a), Yosuke Hirayama (b)  (a: University of Bristol, b: Kobe University)
Neoliberalism and the Reproduction of Home Ownership

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21 December 2011
Deadline for abstract submission

10 January 2011
Notification of selected abstracts

1 March 2011
Registration open

15 May 2011
Deadline for early bird registration and for (some) hotel options

31 May 2011
Deadline for paper submission

15 June 2011
Papers online

7-9 July 2011