Resourceful cities
Berlin (Germany), 29-31 August 2013
Humboldt-University Berlin, Institute for Social Science, Dept. for Urban and Regional Sociology

09. Urban (in)formality: tensions, conflicts and breakups in the struggle to belong

Organizer: Birgit zur Nieden (a), Juliane Karakayali (b) (a: Humboldt University, b: Evangelische Hochschule Berlin)

Session 09.1 Urban (in)formality: tensions, conflicts and breakups in the struggle to belong I

Xiaoqing Zhang (Bartlett School of Planning)
No More Informality? The Redevelopment of Urban Villages and Its Implications on Social Inclusion in China

Sebastian Saborio (University of Urbino)
The pacification of favelas, urban violence control between informality and formality

Noel David Nicolaus (Humboldt University Berlin)
Formality and informality in Berlin: emergence of a New Urban Paradigm or reinstatement of a Neoliberal Hegemony?

Alessandro Coppola (School of Architecture and Society, Politecnico di Milano)
The rise of vetero-liberal neighborhood politics. The case of self-built neighborhoods in Rome.

Hassan El Mouelhi, Melis Oguz (TU Berlin)
Informality, Culture, and Informal Urban Development: a Comparative Study between Cairo and Istanbul

Session 09.2 Urban (in)formality: tensions, conflicts and breakups in the struggle to belong II

Lorenzo Rinelli (University of Hawai‘i at Manoa)
Eastleigh’s Metalogistics and the Renegotiation of Community in the City

Emmanuel Midheme (a), Maurice Otieno Amimo (b) (a: University of Leuven, b: Maseno University)
Spaces of contestation: socio-spatial exclusion and the emerging spaces of urban citizenship among street traders in Kisumu, Kenya

Marianna Monte, Teresa Madeira da Silva (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL))
Informal Street Vendors in Rio de Janeiro

Rania Abdel Galil (Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Abu Quir Campus, Alexandria)
Lakefront development - conflicting and competing interests

Pedro Costa, Ricardo Lopes (ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon)
Artistic intervention in public sphere, conflict and urban informality: an international comparative approach to informal dynamics in cultural districts

RT 09.1 Urban (in)formality: tensions, conflicts and breakups in the struggle to belong

Danielle Raudenbush (University of Chicago)
Social Networks and Informal Health Care Strategies of the Urban Poor

Sonia Roitman (University of Queensland)
Rebirth from the ashes: crisis and the emergence of social movements in Argentina over the last two decades: the case of Tupac Amaru in Mendoza

Christian Haid (Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technical University Berlin)
(In)stabilities in Diasporic Public Life - “Anything goes” in Berlin?

Myrto Dagkouly-Kyriakoglou (Athina)
The onslaught against the Greek squatting movement and the value that it produces

Ana Paula Medeiros (Phd student at Programa de Pós-Graduação em Urbanismo (PROURB)/UFRJ)
Suburban areas in Rio de Janeiro: how do changes posed by megaevents affect everyday life for people who live there?

Elena Ponzoni (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Formal and informal support to parents. Tension versus cooperation in the struggle to belong to the ‘pedagogic infrastructure’ of the city of Amsterdam


Thiago Pinto Barbosa (Grupo de Estudos em Temáticas Ambientais – GESTA / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
Informal settlements, mega events and conflict: a case study from pre-2014 Brazil

Nadia Nur (Roma Tre University)
In the villa: the claim for an equal city. The case of Villa Rodrigo Bueno (Buenos Aires)

Axel David Murillo Paredes (Universidad de Boyacá)
Tensions on public space in Salitre City: analisis of the cultural practices of informal economy and institutional responses in a New Town In Town (NTIT)

Elisa Ravazzoli (a), Stefania Toso (b) (a: EURAC, Institute for Regional Development and Locational Management, b: Turin Polytechnic, Faculty of Architecture)
Spatial relations of informal practices in Cairo streetscape

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