Resourceful cities
Berlin (Germany), 29-31 August 2013
Humboldt-University Berlin, Institute for Social Science, Dept. for Urban and Regional Sociology

24. Urban camps from a global perspective: resources, livelihoods and governance

Organizer: Giovanni Picker (a), Silvia Pasquetti (b) (a: Higher School of Economics, b: University of Cambridge)

Session 24.1 Encapsulating, including, excluding: urban camps from a global perspective

Christopher Herring (University of California Berkeley)
The New Logics of Homeless Seclusion: A Comparative Study of Large-Scale Homeless Encampments in the Western US

Amanda S. A. Dias (IIAC-LAU/ CNRS-EHESS)
At the Margins of the City and the State: A Comparative Approach between a Palestinian Refugee Camp in Lebanon and a Favela in Rio de Janeiro

Irit Katz Feigis (University of Cambridge)
From Exclusion to Collaboration – The Subversive Action of the Urban Camp

Elena Fontanari (GSSPS of Milan)
Confined to the Threshold. The experience of asylum seekers in Germany

Helene Simon-Loiere (MIGRINTER, University of Poitiers)
With or without a Camp? The Consequences of Urban Settlement Conditions on the Livelihoods and Migration Possibilities of Refugees

RT 24.1 Permanent temporariness? Urban camps from a global perspective,

Adriana Carbonaro, Fabio Quassoli (Universita di Milano-Bicocca)
“Tough on illegal immigrants”. Immigrant control and exclusion in contemporary Italy

Marianne F. Potvin (Harvard University Graduate School of Design)
Humanitarian Urbanism under a Neoliberal Regime: Lessons from Kabul

Romain Cames (Northeastern University)
Government by Expulsion: The Roma Camp, Citizenship, and the State

Jean-Frédéric de Hasque (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Study of the link between the physical transformation of a camp and a deliberate “policy” to maintain instability

Noura Alkhalili (Department of Human Geography, Lund University)
The camp and further beyond: narrative of the gate and the bridge

David Smith (a), Margaret Greenfields (b) (a: University of Greenwich, b: Buckinghamshire New University)
The Decline of Nomadism, Enforced Settlement and Urban Gypsy/Traveller Camps in London and its Environs


Anaïs Leger (a), Christian Lichiardopol (a: Angers University)
Analysis of Four Roms Migrant Urban Camps in the City of Toulouse: Emergence of a New Urban Social Order Or Proof of Non-Integration?

Helen Dardanelli (Centro Migranti Comune di Cuneo, Italy)
Out-of-Cell Time: The Humiliation of Identity in the Italian Detention Camps for Immigrants

Alessandro Petti (http://www.campusincamps.ps/en/camps-city/)
Architecture of Exile

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