Resourceful cities
Berlin (Germany), 29-31 August 2013
Humboldt-University Berlin, Institute for Social Science, Dept. for Urban and Regional Sociology

28. Infrastructures of cityness

Organizer: Christine Hentschel (Humboldt University Berlin)

Session 28.1 Infrastructures of Cityness 1: From visible to invisible and back

Bradley Rink (University of Cape Town)
Infrastructures of darkness and light

María José Zapata (University of Gothenburg)
Waste infrastructures and the invisible city

Liviu Chelcea (University of Bucharest)
Plumbing, Housing Repair and Personhood: The Politics of Urban Infrastructure in Bucharest, Romania

Ulrika Trovalla (Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala)
Infrastructure as Divination: Images from a Nigerian City

Lara Belkind (Harvard University)
Remaking Paris as the ‘City Of Flows’. Mobility narratives and design politics in the networked metropolis

Session 28.2 Infrastructures of Cityness 2: From material to social and back

Julia Nast (Humboldt University Berlin)
Educational Infrastructures: Informality, Power, and Social Class

María Luján Menazzi (University of Buenos Aires)
Between emotional, economic and urban needs. Some contradictions of old infrastructure in Buenos Aires

Lisa Björkman (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen)
Knowing Water: hedging everyday risks of breakdown in Mumbai

Nihad El-Kayed (Humboldt University Berlin)
Urban Infrastructures of Democracy – Exploring the Road to Political Participation

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