Resourceful cities
Berlin (Germany), 29-31 August 2013
Humboldt-University Berlin, Institute for Social Science, Dept. for Urban and Regional Sociology

32. Education and the City

Organizer: Tim Butler (King's College London)

Session 32.1 Education and the City I

Christine Barwick (Humboldt University Berlin/Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development Dortmund)
"It is only because of the school. If it was not for the kids, we would have stayed here” – Residential choice in the face of educational aspirations of the German-Turkish middle class in Berlin

Daniel Förste (Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning, Erkner)
Cheating the lottery… Correlations between a state regulated school system, access to high quality schooling and middle class school choice in Berlin.

Venla Bernelius (University of Helsinki)
School choice and segregation in the Finnish cities: Evidence of growing polarization in the world’s “most equal” schools

Mark Hunter (University of Toronto)
Moving Class: Educational choice and the Remaking of a South African City

Meghan Doran (Northeastern University Boston)
Stories of Boston's Busing Desegregation Crisis:  the role of historical narratives in contemporary urban educational politics

Session 32.2 Education and the City II

Deborah Wilson (University of Bristol)
School choice in London and Paris: a comparison of middle-class strategies

Thomas Maloutas (a), Antoinetta Capella (b), Andromachi Hadjiyanni (c) (a: Harokopio University/National Centre for Social Research, Greece, b,c: National Centre for Social Research, Greece)
Educational Performance and Segregation in Athens

Chris Hamnett (King’s College London)
Reproducing residence based social differences through school based allocation 

Sol Gamsu (King’s College London)
Taking the long view: Understanding the links between middle class housing preferences in London and local schooling 1870-2011.

Julia Nast (Humboldt University Berlin)
More than Competing for Access? Zooming in On How Segregation Shapes Educational Institutions. The Case of Berlin – Germany


Eduardo Barberis (a), Alberto Violante (b) (a: University of Urbino Carlo Bo, b: Sapienza University of Rome)
School segregation in 4 Italian metropolitan areas. Rescaling, governance and fragmentation of immigration policy

Penelope Vergou (University of Thessaly, Greece)
Education Strategies of middle class parents in secondary schools in Athens: New forms of social segregation and the (re) production of racism and social-spatial inequality in the city

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