Social and Spatial Perspectives”

(Status: 03-1-2004)

SDE3, Department of Real Estate, School of Design and Environment,
National University of Singapore
4 Architecture Drive
Singapore 117566

His Excellency the Embassador of Finland, Risto Rekola, has the pleasure of hosting a reception on the occasion of publishing the Blackwell Book Cities of Europe.

Thursday 9-12-2004 Opening-Plenary sessions: Paths of Urban Change

11:00-14:30 Registration and badge distribution

14:30-14:45 Welcome
Sim Loo Lee (Head of the Department of Real Estate, NUS)

14:45-15:15 RC21 Presidential address
The European City: A Eurocentric Perspective?
Hartmut Haeussermann (Humboldt University, Berlin, D)

15:15-15:45 Keynote lecture 1
Universal Homeownership, Housing Market and Social Welfare
Chua Beng Huat (National University of Singapore)

15:45-16:00 Discussion

16:00-16:30 The Reinvention of the City.
A European Vision on Paths of Urban Change
Dieter Läpple (Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, D)

16:30-16:45 Discussion

16:45-17:15 Coffee Break

17:15-17:45 Urban Restructuring in China -- Through Western Eyes
John Logan (Brown University, Providence, US)

17:45-18:00 Discussion

18:00 End of the first day

18:30 His Excellency the Embassador of Finland, Risto Rekola, has the pleasure of hosting a reception on the occasion of publishing the Blackwell Book Cities of Europe.
Venue: Mandarin Ballroom 1, 6th floor Sout Toert, Meritus Mandarin Singapore, 333 Orchard Road.

20:00 RC21 board members dinner

Friday 10-12-2004

Parallel sessions

1. Migration and multiculturalism (Chairs: John Logan and Gavin Jones)
2. Inequality, poverty and homelessness (Chairs: Ranvinder S. Sandhu and Takashi Machimura)
3. Tourism and urban culture (Chair: Wong Poh Poh)
4. Remaking downtowns and real estate (Chairs: Anne Haila and Jieming Zhu)
5. Learning cities: knowledge, innovation and policy in economic development (Chair: Kuniko Fujita)
6. Mega urban projects: policy, planning (Chairs: Kong Chong Ho and Heng Chye Kiang)
7. Housing and real estate (Chairs: Leon Deben and Lum Sau Kim)
8. Urban culture (Chair: Eric Thompson)
9. Governance (Chairs: Ruediger Korff and Bae-Gyoon Park)
10. Social structure and network (Chair: Stephen J. Appold)
11. Innovative Singapore (Chair: Richard Child Hill)

09:00-11:00 Parallel sessions

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-13:30 Parallel sessions

13:30-15:00 Lunch

15:00-17:00 Parallel sessions

17:00 End of the second day

18:00 Conference dinner at expenses of the participants
(pay at the registration desk)

Saturday 11-12-2004

Parallel sessions

1. Migration and multiculturalism (Chairs: John Logan and Gavin Jones)
2. Inequality, poverty and homelessness (Chairs: Ranvinder S. Sandhu and Takashi Machimura)
3. Tourism and urban culture (Chair: Wong Poh Poh)
4. Remaking downtowns and real estate (Chairs: Anne Haila and Jieming Zhu)
5. Learning cities: knowledge, innovation and policy in economic development (Chair: Kuniko Fujita)
6. Mega urban projects: policy, planning (Chairs: Kong Chong Ho and Heng Chye Kiang)
7. Housing and real estate (Chairs: Leon Deben and Lum Sau Kim)
8. Urban culture (Chair: Eric Thompson)
9. Governance (Chairs: Ruediger Korff and Bae-Gyoon Park)
10. Social structure and network (Chair: Stephen J. Appold)
11. Innovative Singapore (Chair: Richard Child Hill)

09:00-11:00 Parallel sessions

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-13.00 Closing-Plenary sessions: paths of urban segregation

Segregation in European cities
Sako Musterd (University of Amsterdam, NL)

Segregation in US cities
Paul Jargowsky (University of Texas at Dallas, US)

A brave new world: Chinese urban transformation
Heng Chye Kiang (Department of Architecture, NUS)

13:00 End of the conference

14:30-18:30 Neighbourhood tour (Chinatown)
(pay at the registration desk)

Session 1 – Migration and multiculturalism

Chairs: John Logan (Brown University, Providence, UK) and Gavin Jones (Asia Research Institute, SP)

Friday 10-12-2004

09:00-11:00 Justus Uitemark, Ugo Rossi & Henk van Houten (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Reinventing multiculturalism: urban citizenship and the negotiation of ethnic diversity in Amsterdam

Shenglin Chang (University of Maryland, US)
Pursuing the trans-Pacific American dreamscape: dialogue and discontent within the transnational process of suburbanizing Taiwan and China

Eduardo Barberis (University of Urbino and University of Milan-Bicocca, IT)
Modes of incorporation and territorial distribution: immigrants in Italian and Spanish local systems

Walter Lalich (University of Technology, Sidney, AU)
Transnational dimension of Asian ethnic communal spaces in Sydney

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-13:30 France Bourgouin (University of Witwatersrand, ZA)
Transnational urbanism in Johannesburg: the circulation of capital and labour and the making of a global city

Hanna Ahlgren-Leinvuo (University of Helsinki, SF)
Refugees in Finnish municipalities: from dispersal to the Helsinki Metropolitan Region

Elizabeth Chacko & Ivan Cheung (George Washington University, US)
Shifting Chinese ethnic spaces in metropolitan Washington, USA

Eric Fong (University of Toronto, CA)
Neighbourhoods and ethnic businesses in a multiethnic city

13:30-15:00 Lunch

Session 2 – Inequality, poverty and homelessness

Chairs: Ranvinder S. Sandhu (Guru Nanak Dev University, IN) and Takashi Machimura (Hitotsubashi University, JP)

Friday 10-12-2004

2a. Poverty and Homelessness

09:00-11:00 Suzana Pasternak (Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade de São Paulo, BR)
The city of extremes: socio-spatial inequalities in São Paulo

N.H. Minh (Institute of Sociology, Hanoi, VN)
The urban poverty in Vietnam: some basic characteristics

Scott Baum (Centre for Research in Sustainable Urban and Regional Future, Queensland, AU)
Changing socio-spatial inequality in Australian cities: inertia or change?

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

2b. Homelessness and Poverty

11:30-13:30 Chitra Shankar (M-13,Green Park New Delhi India)
Hunger, homelessness and mounting inequality in urban India: the case study of Delhi

Ranvinder S. Sandhu (Department of Sociology G.N.D. University, Amritsar, IN)
The marginalization of poor in planning process

F. Desouja (Grupo de Estudos de Problemas Urbanos, Universidade Federal de Alagoas Cidade Universitaria, Brazil, BR)
The spatial distribution of social indicators of access to housing resources in Maceió, Brazil

Aggrey Enoka Onyango (Ahead Development Management Services, Nairobi, KE)
Poverty and homelessness: a case study of urban residents in the informal settlements in the city of Nairobi, Kenya

13:30-15:00 Lunch

2c. Governance and informal sector

15:00-17:00 José Guadalupe Vargas Hernández (Centro Universitario del Sur Universidad de Guadalajara, MX)
The dilemma of governance in Latin America

Roch Hurtubise (Faculty of social work Sherbrooke University, CA)
Governance of and social response to homelessness in the Canadian context

Geoffrey I. Nwaka (Abia State University, Uturu, NG)
The urban informal sector and environmental health policy in Nigeria

R.N. Sharma (Tata Institute of Social Sciences)
Rehousing the displaced slum dwellers in Mumbai through a participatory approach

Saturday 11-12-2004

2d. Sustainable development and cities

09:00-11:00 Trinh Duy Luan (Institute of Sociology, Hanoi, VN)
Social factors of sustainable urban development in Vietnam

V. Srinivas Chary & A. Narender (Centre for Urban Governance – Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad, IN)
Sustainable sanitation for the poor through municipal-NGO-community partnership. Experience from Pune (Maharashtra - India)

Marco Scalvini (Université de Montréal, CA)
Sick Manhattan: Comparing HIV/AIDS epidemic in Manhattan’s neighbourhoods

Flavio A.M. de Souza (Universidade Federal de Alagoas, BR)
The spatial distribution of social indicators of access to housing resources in Maceió, Brazil.

Session 3 – Tourism and urban culture

Chair: Wong Poh Poh (National University of Singapore)

Saturday 11-12-2004

09:00-11:00 Bianca Freire-Medeiros (Social Sciences Dept. State University of Rio de Janeiro, BR)
The travelling city: the invention of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as a tourist destination (1920s-1950s)

Kieu-Dzung Vu (VNU, VN)
Impact of tourism development on population movement and way of life in Vietnam: cases of Hoi An and Sapa

Saita Mori (Kobe University, JP)
Transformations in the Socio-Spatial Context of Backpacker Place

Session 4 – Remaking downtowns and real estate

Chairs: Anne Haila (University of Helsinki) and Jieming Zhu (National University of Singapore)

Friday 10-12-2004

09:00-11:00 Pan Tianshu (Georgetown University, US)
The Owners’ Associations in Neighborhood Shanghai

Dinh Duc Thang (Housing and Urban Development Corporation, VN)
Redevelopment of brown-fields in Hanoi

Heliana Comin Vargas (Universidade de São Paulo, BR)
From the corporate building to the corporate city: the Brazilian process

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-13:30 Zhao Wei (Tongji University, Shanghai, CN)
Social analysis in community planning: a case study in Shanghai

Sampo Ruoppila (University of Helsinki, SF)
City building in post-socialist Tallinn

13:30-15:00 Lunch

15:00-17:00 Ari Ylonen (University of Tampere, SF)
City: a metaphor for modernity

Igal Charney (University of Haifa, IL)
Blue-chip skylines: tall buildings and world-city stature

Tang Bo-Sin (Hong Kong PolyUniversity, HK)
Planning and market decisions for office property development in Hong Kong

Session 5 – Learning cities: knowledge, innovation and policy in economic development

Chair: Kuniko Fujita (Michigan State University, US)

Friday 10-12-2004

5a. Learning cities: actors and institutions in diffusing knowledge and information technology
Chair: Michael Indergaard

09:00-11:00 Nathalie Cavasin (Waseda University, JP)
Ubiquitous network society in Japan: how information technology is shaping the territory

Ana C.R. Cavalcanti (Universidade Federal de Alagoas, BR)
The diffusion of knowledge and policy innovations by multilateral agencies in shaping an urban agenda in Brazil

Mario M. Carrillo Huerta (Colegio de Tlaxcala Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, MX)
The adoption of technology in urban Mexico: the case of personal computers in Pueblo, 2004

Alwyn Lim (State University of New York, US)
Governance and the information society: a historical comparison of Singapore and Finland

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

5b. Learning cities: global city strategies in Taipei, Singapore, Shanghai and Melbourne
Chair: Chia-Huang Wang

11:30-13:30 Chia-Huang Wang (Yuzn-Ze University, TW)
Innovating Taipei: a semiperipheral global city’s struggle

Shuwei Huang (Tunghai University, TW)
Can “global city” be the new strategy for developmental State? Taiwan and Singapore compared

Weiping Wu (Virgina Commonwealth University, Richmond, US)
Targeted public policies in Shanghai’s path to a knowledge-based economy

Shamus Mok (McKinsey & Co. Inc., Shanghai, CN)
The challenge of Shanghai's global city development

Kevin O’Connor (University of Melbourne, AU)
International students in the global economy: global and local impacts

5c. Learning cities: planning and strategies for sustainable development

Chair: Mee Kam Ng

15:00-17:00 Mee Kam Ng (University of Hong Kong, HK)
Governance and sustainable development in Chinese global cities

Manoj K. Teotia (Urban Governance and Development/HUDCO, IN)
Meeting the growing urban challenges for strengthening and sustaining vitality of urban areas in north-west India

Damodaran Sivakumar (Institute for Human Service Information, IN)
Learning for urban change: strategies for rurbanization and local self-governance

Awais Piracha, Shahed Khan (Environmental Planning, School of Construction, Property & Planning University of Western Sydney, AU) & Thi Binh Minh Nguyen (Institute of Construction Economies, Ministry of Construction, Hanoi, VN)
Urban ecosystems analysis: an application for evaluation of environmental consequences of FDI in Hanoi

5d. Learning cities- Embedded Policy Innovations
Chair: Darren Smith

15:00-17:00 Andrew Jacobs (University of Cincinnati, US)
Late-urbanization, entrepreneurialism, geographic elasticity, and embeddedness: a comparison of Columbus, Ohio and Saitama, Japan

Shiuh-Shen Chien (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK)
Regional Isomorphis Beyond Embedded Policy Innovation: Case of China

Darren P. Smith (University of Brighton, UK)
New new’ universities, urban regeneration and gentrification

Alberto Lopes Najar (National School of Public Health, BR)
Spatial proximity and “racial” distance in the City of Rio de Janeiro: classification of the colour and the social and spatial dimensions of inequality within a multi-hued society

Ian Morley (Ming Chuan University, TW)
Knowledge and understanding from the urban place: cities and public policies in the Victorian Era

Saturday 11-12-2004

5e. Learning cities: urban and regional development
Chair: Kuniko Fujita

09:00-11:00 Michael Indergaard (St. John’s University, New York, US)
Recombinant development: reconnecting the symbolic and knowledge economies in Lower Manhattan

James Simmie (Oxford Brooks University, UK) & Simone Strambach (Phillips University, Marburg, DE)
Knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS), innovation and the competitiveness of European Metropolitan Areas: a comparison of some large English and German Cities.

Jan G. Lambooy (Utrecht University and Amsterdam University, NL)
Evolution and selection in the diffusion of knowledge in emerging networks: the role of regional innovation systems

Kuniko Fujita & Richard Child Hill (Michigan State University, US)
Innovative Tokyo

Session 6 – Mega urban projects: policy, planning

Chairs: Kong Chong Ho (National University of Singapore) and Heng Chye Kiang (National University of Singapore)

Friday 10-12-2004

6a. Perpectives on Globalisation, Politics and the Urban Environment

09:00-11:00 J. Friedmann (University of British Columbia, CAN)
Civil Society Revisited: Travels in Latin America and China

M. Douglass (University of Hawaii, Manoa)
Globalization, Mega Projects and Civic Spaces: what is at stake?

Amrita Daniere (University of Toronto, CAN)
(title to be defined)

Merlyna Lim (East-West Center, Washington, US)
Towers of Power: The Return of Banal Nationalism in Indonesia

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

6b. Mega Projects and Their Urban and Regional Impacts

11:30-13:30 M. Leaf (University of British Columbia, CAN)
The New Town Impulse in Asia: Pathway to an Urban Future or Modernity’s Last

Mintai Kim (University of Arizona, US)
Open Space Planning and Its Regional Impacts

Bonnie Lindstrom (Northwestern University, US)
Chicago's airport wars: O'Hare expansion, Meigs Field and the business community

K.C. Ho (National University of Singapore, SP)
Housing a Nation and Creating the Golden Shoe: Assessing Singapore’s record of
urban redevelopment

13:30-15:00 Lunch

6c. Mega Projects and the Downtown Core

15:00-17:00 J. Boski (University of California, Los Angeles, US)
The New Tokyo City Hall: Authority and Autonomy

M. Sirat (University Sains, Malaysia)
Globalization-Mega Projects-Civic Spaces Nexus: The Kuala Lumpur City Centre
(KLCC) Development Reconsidered

Myungrae Cho (Dangkook University)
Bringing Nature Back into the Urban Core: the Case of the Cheonggycheon
Restoration Project in Seoul.

Sue-Ching Jou (National Taiwan University)
Skyscrapers and the Production of Primacy and Centrality

Session 7 – Housing and real estate

Chairs: Leon Deben (University of Amsterdam, NL) and Lum Sau Kim (National University of Singapore)

Friday 10-12-2004

7a. Housing and real estate: housing projects

15:00-17:00 Urmi Sengupta (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK)
Evaluating the sustainability of public sector housing in Kolkata (India) with the three A’s of housing - Availability, Adequacy and Affordability

Mohammad Shahinur Rahman (Jahngirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, BD) & Toufiq M.Seraj (President, Real Estate & Housing Association of Bangladesh, SHELTECH Pvt. Ltd).
Prospects of developing private sector apartment housing in Dhaka

Maryann Wulff & Margaret Reynolds (Monash University, Victoria, AU)
Dynamics of regional private rental housing markets: an examination of trends outside the Sydney, Australia Metropolitan Region, 1991-2001

Hans Schenk (University of Amsterdam, NL)
India’s urban fringes reconsidered

Hoai Anh Tran (Lund University, SE)
Privatisation of state owned housing in Hanoi. Unequal impacts on tenants and owners

Saturday 11-12-2004

7b. Housing and real estate: housing and its social dimension

09:00-11:00 Tineke Lupi (University of Amsterdam, NL)
The social construction of space

Sandra Marques Pereira (ISCTE, Lisbon, PT)
Housing and its social meaning: the case of Lisbon

Koyi Mchunu (Brookes University, Oxford, UK)
Lifestyle as a design concept/principle

Session 8 – Urban culture

Chair: Eric Thompson (National University of Singapore)

Friday 10-12-2004

8a. Class Stratification and Mobility

9:00-11:00 Bruno Cousin (Sciences Po Paris, FR/University of Milan-Bicocca, IT)
Are (wealthy) Europeans more equal than others?

Misra Rajesh (University of Lucknow, IN)
From distinct cultural identity to deracinated culture

Maria Gogala (Institute de Sociologie, Université de Neuchâtel, CH)
Changing patterns of stratification in Bucharest. An ethnography of transition

Christopher Smith (SUNY, Albany, US)
From ‘angry citizens’ to ‘happy consumers’

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

8b. Urban Consumer Cultures and Media

11:30-13:30 Roman Cybriwsky (Temple University, JP)
Shibuya Pink

Kennosuke Tanaka (Hitotsubashi University, JP)
The policing of urban public spaces and ‘fortified streets’

Zakir Hossain Raju (Independent University, Bangladesh, (IUB)
Urban change and popular cinema in Bangladesh

13:30-15:00 Lunch

8c. Technologies of Urbanism

15:00-17:00 Awais Piracha & Shahed Khan (Environmental Planning, School of Construction, Property & Planning University of Western Sydney, AU)
Culture and technology in the sustainability of cities in Asia

Megumi Nakahashi (University of Naples, IT)
Representations of urban space in Japan

Sun Sun Lim (National University of Singapore, SG)
Family communication in urban China

Saturday 11-12-2004

8d. Perspectives on Urban Experience from Asia and Africa

09:00-11:00 Geoffrey I. Nwaka (Abia State University, NG)
Using indigenous knowledge to strengthen local government and governance in Nigeria

Celerina G. Balucan (Lourdes College, Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City, PH)
The Interplay of Urbanization and Urbanism: A Peril or a Blessing to Urban Future

Abidemi R. Asiyanbola (Olabisi Onabanjo University, NG)
Urban environmental attitudes and the behaviour of children and youths in a developing country

Kazutaka Hashimoto (Kanto Gakuin University, JP)
Japan in Vietnam

Session 9 – Governance

Chairs: Ruediger Korff (University of Hohenheim, DE) and Bae-Gyoon Park (National University of Singapore)

Friday 10-12-2004

9a. Changes in governance

09:00-11:00 Asato Saito (National University of Singapore, SG)
Neo-liberalism and Japanese cities: critical reflection in the last two decades

Jan Drahokoupil (Central European University, Budapest, HU)
Governance in East-Central Europe: towards schumpeterian post-national regimes?

Hans Thor Andersen (University of Copenhagen, DK)
The emerging Danish government reform. Centralized decentralization

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-12:30 Bae-Gyoon Park (National University of Singapore, SG)
Uneven development and the politics of decentralization in South Korea

Justus Uitermark & Jan Willem Duyvendak (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Appropriating or expelling social-democratic urban governance? Revanchist urbanism in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

9b. Politics and culture in governance (same room)

12:30-13:30 V. Srinivas Chary (Administrative Staff College of India, IN)
Urban incentive fund for economic growth and poverty reduction in India

Jussi Kulonpalo (University of Helsinki, SF)
Governing urban cultural policies: analyzing cultural best practices in European cities

13:30-15:00 Lunch

15:00-17:00 Harald Leisch (University of Hohenheim, Germany)
Private vs. public governance in urban development – a comparison between Lippo Karawaci (Indonesia) and Hanoi (Vietnam)

Wilmar Salim (University of Hawaii at Manoa, US)
Paths of policy change in urban Australia: political platform as the driving force

Geoffrey I. Nwaka (Abia State University, NG)
Using indigenous knowledge to strengthen local government and governance in Nigeria
Saturday 11-12-2004

09:00-11:00 Isa Baud & R. Dhanalakshmi (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Governance in urban environmental management: comparing accountability and performance in multi-stakeholder arrangements in South India

Awadhendra Sharan (Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, New Delhi, IN)
Toxic city: environment and governance in contemporary Delhi

Shahed Khan & Awais Piracha (Environmental Planning, School of Construction, Property & Planning University of Western Sydney, AU)
PlanFIRST and thereafter: the planning system changes and their implications for the urban environment in a neo-liberal climate in NSW, Australia

Christopher Mele (University at Buffalo/University of Hong Kong)
Session's Rapporteur

Session 10 – Social structures and networks

Chair: Stephen J. Appold (National University of Singapore)

Friday 10-12-2004

11:30-13:30 Salim Wilmar (University of Hawaii at Manoa, US)
Social polarization and segregation in Australia: implications for social programs and their delivery

Turkun Asuman (Bilkent University, TR)
From ‘exıstıng together’ to ‘cut-throat competıtıon’?

Chaolin Gu (Nanjing University, CN)
Beijing's sociospatial restructuring

13:30-15:00 Lunch

15:00-17.00 Richard Ronald (Kobe University, JP)
Individualism and privatistic housing consumption in Eastern and Western home owner societies

David E. Andersson (Leader University, TW)
Emerging values in a Newly Industrialized Country: the case of Taiwan

Lousie Holt (University of Brighton, UK)
Exploring young disabled people’s social networks and interactions within everyday places

Stephen J. Appold & Vincent Chua (National University of Singapore, SG)
Social networks of Singaporeans

Session 11 – Innovative Singapore

Chair: Richard Child Hill (Michingan State University, US)

Discussant: Kong Chong Ho (National University of Singapore, SG)

Friday 10-12-2004

09:00-11:00 Henry Yeung (National University of Singapore, SG)
Governing neoliberalism in Singapore and Hong Kong: divergent pathways to economic development

Lai Si Tsui-Auch (Nanyang Technology University, SG)
The state and national system of innovation: the case of biotechnology development in Singapore

Sun Shen Han (National University of Singapore, SG)
Exporting the Singapore success in urban development to China: Suzhou and beyond