2025 ISA Forum of Sociology – Rabat (Morocco)
Registration for the 5th ISA Forum is open until March 22, 2025.

IJURR 48(6) Nov. 2024
IJURR 48(6) Nov. 2024

Watch Mona Fawaz’s keynote in Santiago (Chile), July 2024: «Inhabiting Beirut’s Ruins»
Comments by Catalina Ortiz and Sonia Roitman.

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (Vol. 48, Issue 5, Sept. 2024)
Titles and links to articles.

RC21 in Social Media: Follow Us!
Despite all the troubles that we can experience in current social media, RC21 has a regular presence in that environment and shares plenty of information on urban issues. To stay tuned, please, follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rc21.young/ X: @ISA_RC21 Linkedin: ISA_RC21 Bluesky Social: https://bsky.app/profile/rc21.bsky.social Mastodon: @RC21_urban_regional_sociology Instagram:...
Podcasts on Urban Books
Interviews with scholars of urban studies about their new books at the New Books Network.

Hot Off the Press: Urban Books
The Research Platform “The Challenge of Urban Futures” (Vienna University) regularly publishes the online debates on new urban books.

Concluded RC21 Conference in Santiago de Chile!
We would like to thank you warmly once again for these months of very hard work, and for the collaboration between the LOT and RC board members, during which we managed to find excellent synergy and create a truly outstanding programme!

IJURR vol. 48 (4) July 2024
Titles and links to articles.

ISA Forum of Sociology. Rabat 6-11 July, 2025
RC21 call for abstracts to the ISA Forum of Sociology in Rabat, July 2025. Topic: Knowing Justice in the Anthropocene. Submit your abstract by October 15, 2024.

Interviews with the RC21 pioneers: Enzo Mingione
Read the interview here.
RC21 Conference in Santiago de Chile. July 24-26th, 2024
The next RC 21 Conference will take place in Santiago, Chile, on July 24-26th, 2024 “The politics and spaces of encounters: advancing dialogues between and within the Global North and the Global South”. The final programme of the RC21 2024 conference is already available: https://rc21conference2024.coes.cl/conference-program/ Find more information on the conference...
IJURR. Vol. 48(2). March 2024
Titles and links to articles.

Urban Studies Summer School
Beyond InhabitationLab & Urban Transitions Hub joint summer school in Turin & Lisbon. 23-26 September 2024, Turin – 2-6 June 2025, Lisbon. Keynote instructors: Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Alana Osbourne, Tatiana Thieme, AbdouMaliq Simone, and Filip De Boeck. Apply by 30th April 2024.

The Common City Conference
Uppsala (Sweden), 11-13 September, 2024.
Deadline to submit an abstract (up to 300 words): 1 April, 2024.
How is the common city of the future to be produced, created, built and imagined? How are different forms of urban commoning experienced worldwide? What obstacles and struggles should we expect in creating and fostering the urban commons? What are the key facilitating conditions, forms of organising and possible institutions for maintaining the urban commons? How can we define the common city in ways that help overcome capitalist urban and social relations? To what extent are the struggles for the right to the city, and for housing and urban justice at the core of urban commoning?

IJURR. Vol. 48(1). January 2024
IJURR. Vol. 48(1). January 2024.
Articles and Iinterventions.

Palestine and Israel. Free articles from IJURR
The IJURR collective is deeply moved by the scale of the suffering from violence and injustice in Palestine/Israel. In solidarity with scholars who have used their work to unravel the root causes of this violence, IJURR is making available, free of charge, a collection of their articles it has published over the past decade. The articles touch on questions of indigeneity, colonialism, occupation, militarism, refugee subjectivities, and solidarities, always with the critical tone that marks our journal. The paywall will be down until January 31, 2025. We invite scholars and researchers to read, share widely, and encourage the submission of new works that address a question of justice that matters to us all.

Where are we going to meet next? Call for organisers of the 2026 RC21 conference
In 2026, we will hold our own RC21 Conference and Doctoral School and now is the time to open the call for local organising teams and cities interested in organising and hosting it. The deadline for proposals is 22 MARCH 2024, midnight CET.

EduCity conference. Berlin, 25-26 January 2024
EduCity Conference. The neighbourhood as a learning environment. Conference Berlin, 25-26 January 2024, 10 am-6.30 pm. The event is open to the general public and free of charge. Organised by http://www.tesserae.eu/

IJURR Foundation Grants: Applications for 2024 Now Open
Writing up grants are for PhD students who have completed fieldwork and are writing up their final thesis. We are here to fill the gap between other funding finishing and submission allowing you to fully dedicate your time to writing. Awards are up to £6,000 and available to PhD students from low or middle income countries studying in the field of urban and regional studies at institutions in both the global North and South. Applications close on 31st January 2024 (Midnight GMT).

7th RC21-IJURR Foundation-IJURR Doctoral School in Comparative Urban Studies. Santiago de Chile 14-26 July 2024
Apply by 9 February 2024.

IJURR November 2023
IJURR. Volume 47 Issue 6 November 2023.

International Conference “African Urbanisms”
International Conference “African Urbanisms. Critical Engagements, Transformative Practices, Alternative Futures”, Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa, 23-26 October 2024. Closing date for session proposals: 21 January 2024.

Insurgent Ground: Land, Housing, Property
The UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy, as part of its Housing the Third Reconstruction endeavor, invites applications for participation in its Freedom School 2024. With the theme of Insurgent Ground: Land, Housing, Property, this convening aims to bring together movement and university-based scholars actively engaged in insurgent research and critical theorization as a part of, or as accompaniment to, freedom movements.

Interviews with the RC21 pioneers: Martha Schteingart
Read the full interview in English or...
Protected: Board Elections 2023: Candidates
RC21 is holding board elections. Read the candidate statements and their CVs.

RC21 Board nominations: send your candidate proposals!
We open the nomination process for nine members of the Board of RC21. If you’d like to become a Board member (or would like to nominate someone), please send your candidate proposals by April 30th

Cast your vote: RC21 President elections
The Research Committee on Urban and Regional Development (RC21) of the ISA needs to renew its presidency for the period 2023-2027

ISA Membership grants
ISA has opened a call for membership grants to become a regular ISA member. RC21 has the possibility to allocate 8 grants for students! Application deadline: November 20, 2022

Call for candidates: RC21 President
Any member in good standing who has served for at least one term as a board member of RC21 may be a candidate for the position of President

Introductory comments by the RC21 President
Introductory comments by Talja Blokland, RC21 President, at the RC21 2022 Conference in Athens “Ordinary Cities in Exceptional Times”

ISA 2023 Call for abstracts
ISA 2023 Call for abstracts open until 30 September 2022. The XX ISA World Congress of Sociology will take place in Melbourne in 2023 (25 June-1 July).

Board Elections 2022: Candidates
RC 21 is holding elections for three board seats. Here you can read the candidate statements and their CVs

Obituary: Professor Licia do Prado Valladares (1946-2021)
Licia was a pioneer in the study of favelas, housing policies and socio-spatial inequalities in Brazil at the end of the 1960s.

Obituary: Professor Chris Pickvance (1944-2021)
Chris Pickvance, who has died after a short illness at the age of 77, played a pivotal role in the establishment of today’s global network of urban and regional research.

RC21Athens: Call for Papers is now open!
Deadline: January 31, 2022. Check out the conference webpage for information and guidelines: https://pcoconvin.eventsair.com/rc21/call-for-abstracts

RC21 in Athens: Deadline extended
We have received many promising proposals already, but if you missed our deadline: submission has been extended to November 7th!

RC21 2022 in Athens: Call for Sessions
We are launching the call for sessions for our next conference in Athens, Ordinary cities in exceptional times (24-26 August 2022). Please submit your proposals by October 31, 2021 to the conference website www.rc21athens2022.com

Call for papers: RC21 Conference in Antwerp
Second call for papers for the RC21 Conference in Antwerp (July 14-16, 2021): submit your abstracts via the online form by December 2, 2020! If your abstract has been accepted before, you do not need to resubmit.

Call for Venues for the 2021 RC21 Conference and Doctoral School!
These conferences are organized by local teams in close collaboration with the RC21 Board. Please send proposals to Marc Pradel at marcpradel@ub.edu no later than February 20th, 2020.

RC21 Antwerp: Call for Sessions
RC21 Antwerp Call for Sessions: the deadline is November 30, 2019!
Please check the Conference website for important dates and submission guidelines!

RC21 2020 goes to Antwerp!
The 2020 RC21 Conference ‘Sensing and Shaping the City’ will take place in Antwerp, 6 to 8 July 2020! Calls for sessions is open until 30 November 2019

Obituary: Anne Haila
On September 21 2019, with Prof Dr Anne Haila, a long-standing member of RC21, former member of the Board of RC21 and former Board member of IJURR, another inspiring colleague, beloved friend and excellent teacher for many in the RC21 community, has passed away.

6th RC21-IJURR Doctoral School in Comparative Urban Studies in Delhi!
Call for applications for the 6th RC21-IJURR Doctoral School in Comparative Urban Studies is now open! The School will take place in Delhi, India, 7-21 September 2019.

Call for Abstracts: Delhi 2019 Conference!
Please send submissions to the convener(s) and cc your submission to rc21delhi@gmail.com. Please send individual abstracts, which may not fit in the selected sessions but relate to wider themes and sub-themes of the conference, to rc21delhi@gmail.com. Selected papers will be notified by 20th February 2019.
Sophie Body-Gendrot (1942-2018)
On September 21, Prof Dr Sophie Body-Gendrot, a long-standing member of RC21 and inspiring colleague, beloved friend and excellent teacher for many in the RC21 community, has passed away after an illness. We have asked Professor Enzo Mingione (University of Milano-Bicocca), Professor Marisol García (University of Barcelona), Adrian Favell (University of Leeds), and Patrick Le Galès (Sciences Po) who knew Sophie Body-Gendrot for many years, to share their memories and appraisal of Sophie Body-Gendrot. With her passing away, we have lost a highly inspiring scholar, generous with support for younger scholars, and a strong influence in urban studies.

The Delhi 2019 Conference web site is online!
RC21 Conference@Delhi (September 18 – 21, 2019): In and Beyond the City: Emerging Ontologies, Persistent Challenges and Hopeful Futures. Call for sessions is now open!

Save the date! RC21 Delhi Conference 18-21 September, 2019
Conference theme: In and Beyond the City: Emerging Ontologies, Persistent Challenges and Hopeful Futures

RC21 at the ISA Congress in Toronto
We would like to welcome all of you who will be attending next week’s ISA conference here in Toronto. This post contains some information on activities in relation to the RC21 specific part of the ISA conference and on Visiting Toronto.