RC21 Institutional Documents Updated
You can find RC21 Institutional documents – Procedures for Board Members and President Selection, Statutes, etc., here.
You can find RC21 Institutional documents – Procedures for Board Members and President Selection, Statutes, etc., here.
The RC21 in collaboration with ISA is offering 2 grants of $ 500 (US dollars) and 4 grants of $ 250 (US dollars) for young scholars presenting a paper or chairing a session at the next Rc21 Conference in Toronto.
Terms of reference outline the tasks involved in the organization and the responsibilities of the local organizing team and of RC21.
Motion by the Board in support of freedom of thought, speech and academic production and in solidarity with urban academics at risk; it was discussed and approved at the RC21 Conference in Leeds, September 2017
In July 2018 we will meet at the ISA World Congress of Sociology in Toronto. RC21 sessions at the Congress were already submitted, now it is time to select paper proposals. Check out the RC21 Sessions lineup
5th Summer School on Comparative Urban Studies, was held in London and Leeds (UK) from 30 August to 13 September 2017 (in conjunction with the RC21 Conference)
Leeds RC21 Conference Call for Papers is out! Take a look at this brilliant line of sessions. March 10, 2017, is the deadline for abstract submission. We are also receiving the session proposals for the ISA Congress!
The deadline for session proposals is December 31, 2016. RC21 Conference 2017 “Rethinking Urban Global Justice” will take place in the University of Leeds, 11-13th September 2017
The next RC21 Conference will take place in Leeds, UK, on 11-13 September 2017. Call for session proposals is now open (Deadline: December, 31)
The board of the Research Committee 21 of the International Sociological Association makes public its rejection of the recent political events in Turkey. Our solidarity goes with this statement to the Turkish people and to its academic community, especially attacked in its autonomy, independence and even its basic civil rights.
Information on the past RC21 Conferences is available under the “Conferences” section of the menu
The RC21 Conference in Mexico City was a success, with 26 streams and 200 presentations, participants discussed what is the “transgressive city” and its consequences for governance.
Information on the past RC21 Conferences is available under the “Conferences” section of the menu
The Conference theme in 2016 is: “The transgressive city: Comparative perspectives on governance and the possibilities of everyday life in the emerging global city”. Conference dates: July 21-23, 2016. Please send your stream proposals before November 30, 2015
The Conference theme is “The transgressive city: Comparative perspectives on governance and the possibilities of everyday life in the emerging global city”
You can watch the videos of the RC21 Plenary Sessions online! Listen to David Harvey, Ayse Caglar and Nina Glick Schiller, Raquel Rolnik, Susan Feinstein and Peter Marcuse
More than 200 papers of the Urbino 2015 conference and the programme booklet are available online.
In order to facilitate the paper submission we kindly ask you to follow some very simple but important guidelines. Thanks!
Early bird registration for the 2015 conference on “The Ideal City: between Myth and Reality” is now open!
The RC21 Conference 2015 will be hosted by the School of Social and Political Sciences – Department of Economics, Society, and Politics at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy.
RC21, IJURR and FURS in collaboration with the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy) invite applications for the School on Comparative Urban Studies.
ISA-World Congress of Sociology — Yokohama 13-19 July 2014 — RC21 Fieldtrips to explore the city during the world congress.
IJURR Virtual Issue on Comparative Urbanism, with an introduction by Jennifer Robinson. All articles included in this Virtual Issue will be free to view for one year
Young Authors’ 2014 FURS – IJURR Essay Competition for the Best Essay Prize on Urban and Regional Themes is now available online. Deadline March 31st, 2014
On occasion of the upcoming RC21 conference a selection of articles that have been published on Berlin over the past three decades is available free to view
Yokohama 13-19 July 2014 — the full program will be available from May 23rd 2014 on the ISA website
After three years of illness, Hartmut Haeussermann died on Friday October 31st.
On Friday June 3rd Ray Pahl died after a long lasting illness. He was a very special person, innovative and generous, with sociological imagination and a multitude of interests, including the role of space in social relations.
The programme of the third RC21-IJURR-FURS School on Comparative Urban Studies, held in Berlin from 17 August to 3 September 2013 is online
The programme of the second RC21-IJURR-FURS School on Comparative Urban Studies, held in Amsterdam from 1-12 July 2011 is online
Final programme and conference papers to be downloaded
Final programme and conference papers to be downloaded
Final programme and conference papers to be downloaded