
ProgrammeTimetableSessions | Conference themeImportant datesTravel and accommodation

Paper Submission

Authors of accepted abstracts should send their paper not later than 30 June 2015 to: and to the session organizers. Accepted papers will be published online on the website only if submitted in time.

When you submit your paper, please follow the “paper submission guidelines” and use the “title page for your paper”:

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Following the links below you will go to the single sessions’ programme.

Stream Convener Title of the session Reference
A1 Carolin Schröder Smart cities: putting the social into urban innovation mail
A2 Susan S. Fainstein What cities are more just than most? mail
A3 Lavinia Bifulco / Massimo Bricocoli / Stefania Sabatinelli Cities and the welfare for all. Is reconciling local responsibility and universalistic access an ideal-city utopia? mail
B1 David Chapin / Scott Lizama / Lidia K.C. Manzo Investigating urban image making: actors processes and tactics mail
B2 Christian Haid / Annika Levels / Anna Steigemann Public Space in the Ideal City. Ambiguous Imaginaries mail
C1 Barbara Pizzo / Melanie Lombard / Nina Gribat The Politics of Land: Urban Planning and Conflict in the Global North and South mail
C2 Federico Savini / Mike Raco Planning and self-organizing citizens: understanding the position of planners and knowledge in times of new urbanisms mail
C3 Florian Koch / Mark Kammerbauer Contesting Adaptive Planning: Climate Change Urban Adaptation and Implementation Complexities in the Global Urban South and North mail
D1 Maria Anita Palumbo / Olivier Boucheron Reshaping large housing projects: the production of spaces mail
D2 Daniela Vicherat Mattar  / Gabriel de Santis Feltran  Urban Informality and the daily control of social life mail
D3 Talja Blokland / Christine Hentschel / Suzi Hall Informal practices to get things done: inclusionary and exclusionary effects  mail
D4 Camilla d'Ottaviano / Murat Cemal Yalcintan / Renato Pequeno Intervening in irregular settlements: between changes and continuity mail
D5 Lynda Cheshire What's happening in Utopia? Revisiting "new suburban communities" mail
E1 Christine Barwick / Heike Hanhörster Networks and encounters in contested spaces mail
E2 Astrid Sundsboe / Daniel Foerste Re-making the ‘ideal city’ through education: institutional interventions and parental practices in urban schools mail
E3 Giovanni Picker / Silvia Pasquetti The Making and Unmaking of Urban Closures: Scrutinizing the ‘Purified’ City mail
E4 Magda Bolzoni / Jan Rath Changing Landscapes of leisure and consumption mail
E5 Jan W.Duyvendak / Paolo Boccagni / Andrea Brighenti Immigrants and the domesticization of public spaces in Europe mail
E6 Fran Meissner / Tilmann Heil Transgressing dividing lines: making and unmaking urban grids mail
E7 Miguel Martinez / Luca Pattaroni A comparative view on the squatting of houses and social centres mail
E8 Stavros Stavrides / Penny Koutrolikou Michael Janoschka Contested cities and crisis regime:practices discourses and representations of housing mail
E9 Emma Jackson / Anamik Saha Multiculture place and the everyday mail
E10 Enrico Gualini / Walter J. Nicholls Contested cities insurgent practices and new democratic openings mail
E11 Wouter van Gent / Jacob Boersema The Politics of Race in the Gentrification Process mail
F1 Hyun Bang Shin / Bae-Gyoon Park Dong-Wan Gimm (Re-)making Cities: the politics of scale in mega-projects in Asia and beyond mail
F2 Matthias Bernt / Paul Watt The 21st Century Urban Housing Crisis and its Discontents mail
G1 Ana Maria Forero / Andres Salcedo Technologies of security: building safe clean and beautiful urban spaces mail
G2 Sonia Roitman Urban governance and housing policies in the Global South  mail
G3 Elisa Brey / Elena Sanchez-Montijano / Sonia Arbaci Sallazzaro The construction of diversity at the local level mail
G4 Paola Alfaro d'Alençon / Jan Dohnke / Elke Schlack Fuhrmann Urban Governance: international perspective on processes and results mail
G5 Patrick Le Galès Governing Metropolitan Cities mail
H1 Franz Gatzweiler / José Siri Understanding Health and Wellbeing Linkages in Urban Systems  mail
H2 Charlotte Halpern / Julie Pollard Making well being operational: measuring ecological performance mail
H3 Thomas Maloutas / Stijn Oosterlynck / Ronald Van Kempen / Nicos Souliotis The Challenge of Diversity: Does Urban diversity Contribute to the Ideal City? mail
I1 Jennifer Robinson / Christian Schmid Reframing urban regions through comparative urbanism mail
I2 Alberta Andreotti / Alan Mabin Urban Studies and the Challenge of Travelling Concepts and Comparative Methods mail
SSS Enzo Mingione / Yuri Kazepov / Eduardo Barberis Urban Fieldworks. Research experiences on urban institutions and processes from 4th RC21-IJURR-FURS Summer School in Comparative Urban Studies mail

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