As you know, the 2024 RC21 Conference will take place in Santiago (Chile) on 24-26 July 2024. RC21 holds its own conference every two years. On other years, we take part in the conferences organised by the ISA (International Sociological Association). In 2025, RC21 will hold sessions within the larger ISA Forum in Rabat, Morrocco (7-11 July 2025). In 2027, RC21 will be part of the ISA World Congress in Gwangju, Korea (4-10 July 2027).
In 2026, we will hold our own RC21 Conference and Doctoral School and now is the time to open the call for local organising teams and cities interested in organising and hosting it!
RC21 Conferences and Doctoral Schools are organized on a voluntary basis by local teams in close collaboration with the RC21 Board. We are now calling for interested groups of scholars of our community to send their proposal to host and organise the RC21 2026 Conference and Doctoral School.
The deadline for proposals is 22 MARCH 2024, midnight CET. The proposal should be sent to and Do not hesitate to contact one of the two co-presidents of the RC21 if you want more information about the organisation of the conference or an informal discussion about your ideas:
The proposals should follow the detailed guidelines posted on the RC21 website, which lay out the responsibilities of the local organising institution(s) and the RC21 board, as well as the timetable of steps and deadlines:
In the months of April-May 2024, the RC21 Board will review the received proposals and select one team and venue, considering the content of the proposal, theme, geographical location, local infrastructure, safety and logistics. The decision will be communicated to all the RC21 members in May 2024.