Resourceful cities
Berlin (Germany), 29-31 August 2013
Humboldt-University Berlin, Institute for Social Science, Dept. for Urban and Regional Sociology
15. Resilience cities and the crisis: Causes, processes and changing cities
Organizer: Patricia Kennett (University of Bristol), Richard Meegan (Liverpool John Moores University)
Session 15.1 Resilience cities and the crisis: Causes, processes and changing cities
Julie Pollard (a), Charlotte Halpern (b) (a: University of Lausanne, b: Centre d’études européennes de Sciences Po)
Processes of urban policy change in the aftermath of the economic crisis: The role of urban market actors
Raymond Holden (University of Oxford)
Critical Urban Theory and Neighbourhood Renewal Policy in the United Kingdom - From the Urban Crisis of 1968 to the Financial Crisis of 2011 and Beyond
Xabier Gainza, Mercè Cortina i Oriol (University of the Basque Country)
Urban Politics after the financial crisis: new restrictions, new directions?
Silvia Mugnano , Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Housing markets in Spain and Italy: social and institutional changes after 2007.
Declan Redmond, Richard Waldron (University College Dublin)
Responding to the Crisis: The experiences and coping strategies of mortgage stressed households in Ireland
Ernesto López-Morales, Camilo Arriagada (University of Chile)
Urban resilience in Chile: Three regional cases of globalized economies, weak governance, and exposed territories
Gernot Grabher, Joachim Thiel (HafenCity University Hamburg)
Heterarchy: Urban Resilience to Self-Induced Shocks?
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