Resourceful cities
Berlin (Germany), 29-31 August 2013
Humboldt-University Berlin, Institute for Social Science, Dept. for Urban and Regional Sociology


CALL FOR abstract

The proposed abstracts besides addressing the single sessions’ topics should be inspired by the conference theme of ‘Resourceful Cities’

The selection process

The deadline for abstract submission is 31 January 2013. Each abstract will be classified by the session organizers into three categories:

A – Accepted abstract to be presented at the conference;
B – Accepted abstract as a contribution to the conference (available online) (this paper might be presented in case of drop outs);
C – Refused abstract. The paper will not be presented at the conference.

Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to abstracts@rc21.org and to the session organizers (addresses listed below).

Authors of accepted abstracts should send their paper not later than June 15th 2013 to: papers@rc21.org and to the session organizers. The accepted papers will be published online on the www.rc21.org website only if submitted in time.

Abstracts should include the following information:

  1. The session to which the abstract is submitted.
  2. A synthesis of the issues to be addressed in the paper, the hypothesis underlying them, the empirical and/or the theoretical basis, and the structure of the paper (300-500 words).
  3. The contact of the author(s): Name(s), affiliation, address (including ZIP), a phone nr. (will not be made public) and an e-mail address.

Session topics and organizers

# Title Organizer(s)
1 How much do urban neighbourhoods matter in a networked globalised world? Alberta Andreotti alberta.andreotti@unimib.it
2 The Global Alpha Territory: The Super-Rich and their place in contemporary Urbanism Rowland Atkinson, Roger Burrows rowland.atkinson@york.ac.uk os02rb@gold.ac.uk
3 Urbanism beyond the West: Comparing Accelerated Urban Change in Eastern Europe and the Global South Monika Grubbauer, Joanna Kusiak grubbauer@stadtforschung.tu‐darmstadt.de jkkusiak@gmail.com
4 Boundaries and (B)orders – Theorizing the City through its Confinements and Connections Johanna Hoerning, Marit Rosol, Daniela Vicherat Mattar johanna.hoerning@tu-berlin.de rosol@em.uni-frankfurt.de
5 The fracturing of urban citizenship in Europe: spatial exclusion and excluded spaces in contemporary European cities Simon Parker, Rowland Atkinson simon.parker@york.ac.uk rowland.atkinson@york.ac.uk
6 Culture “or/and” poverty. New discourses of socio-spatial inequalities in European cities? Penny Koutrolikou, Sonia Arbaci pennykk@gmail.com s.arbaci@ucl.ac.uk
7 New urban centralities: towards a global urban studies Tony Roshan Samara, Xuefei Ren tsamara@gmu.edu renxuefe@msu.edu
8 Gentrification revisited: New methods to research displacement Justin Kadi, Roman Seidl  j.kadi@gmx.net seidl@srf.tuwien.ac.at
9 Urban (in)formality: tensions, conflicts and breakups in the struggle to belong Jean-Louis Van Gelder, Fernando Ostuni jlvangelder@nscr.nl fostuni@hotmail.com
10 Variations of Urban Citizenship and the Struggle for Migrant Rights. Exploring the inextricable connection between institutional landscapes and political agency in the city Sabine Hess, Henrik Lebuhn sabine.hess@phil.uni-goettingen.de henrik.lebuhn@sowi.hu-berlin.de
11 Contentious cities Walter Nicholls, Justus Uitermark w.j.nicholls@uva.nl justusuitermark@hotmail.com
12 Innovative qualitative methods in urban research Peter Dirksmeier, Jason Patch, John Joe Schlichtman peter.dirksmeier@geo.hu-berlin.de jpatch@rwu.edu
13 Living with gentrification Ebru Soytemel, Besime Sen ebru.soytemel@insis.ox.ac.uk besimesen@yahoo.com
14 Community resilience in the urban context Lynda Cheshire l.cheshire@uq.edu.au
15 Resilience cities and the crisis: Causes, processes and changing cities Patricia Kennett, Richard Meegan p.kennett@bristol.ac.uk r.a.meegan@ljmu.ac.uk
16 Resilience cities and the crisis: Local responses, governance and citizen actions Marc Martí-Costa, Dimitra Siatitsa Marc.marti@uab.cat dimisiat@gmail.com
17 Resistance and Protest in the Tourist City Johannes Novy,
Susan Fainstein
Johannes.novy@tu-berlin.de Sfainstein@aol.com
18 The Return of Urban Fiscal Crisis Hilary Silver Hilary_Silver@brown.edu
19 Suburbs and boundaries: the continued push for peripheral expansion Roger Keil, Alan Mabin rkeil@yorku.ca Alan.Mabin@wits.ac.za
20 Big ships on the horizon and social and spatial fragmentation at home – port cities as emblematic places of urban transformation Carola Hein, Felicitas Hillmann chein@brynmawr.edu hillmann@zedat.fu-berlin.de
21 Making up cities: urban policy mobilities, assemblages and urban politics in a global age Allan Cochrane, Claire Colomb Allan.Cochrane@open.ac.uk c.colomb@ucl.ac.uk
22 World of Cities, ‘Planet of Slums’? Informal settlements and public policies Giulia Agostini, Thomas Aguilera giuliaagostini8@hotmail.com thomas.aguilera@sciences-po.org
23 Exploring urban wastelands Hillary Angelo hillary.angelo@nyu.edu  
24 Urban camps from a global perspective: resources, livelihoods and governance Giovanni Picker, Silvia Pasquetti gpicker@hse.ru sp638@cam.ac.uk
25 Global and local real estate players and their role in the transformation of large cities and metropolitan areas in Europe. Serena Vicari Haddock serena.vicari@unimib.it
26 Autonomous urban movements: socio-spatial structures and political impacts Miguel A. Martínez López, Armin Kuhn miguelam@cps.ucm.es armin.kuhn@reflect-online.org
27 Contentious movements, conflict and agonistic pluralism in urban development: transformative trajectories and potentials Enrico Gualini e.gualini@isr.tu-berlin.de
28 Infrastructures of cityness Christine Hentschel, Karen Rodríguez christine.hentschel@hu-berlin.de karen.rodriguez@sit.edu
29 Participation between Consensus and Contestation Jan Dohnke, Corinna Hölzl, Maros Krivy jan.dohnke@fu-berlin.de Corinna.hoelzl@geo.hu-berlin.de
30 Understanding the politics of urban massification Alan Harding Alan.Harding@liverpool.ac.uk
31 From Global to Local - and Back Again? Mobilities and Place among Elites and the Middle Classes Paul Watt, Emma Jackson p.watt@bbk.ac.uk Emma.Jackson.2@glasgow.ac.uk
32 Education and the City Tim Butler tim.butler@kcl.ac.uk
33 Theory and Method in Critical Urban Studies Jeremy Seekings jeremy.seekings@gmail.com